Guerrilla Marketing Costs. Guerrilla marketing tactics cost a fraction of the amount required for traditional marketing strategies such as television and radio advertising. The cost-efficiency of guerrilla tactics allows small businesses with small marketing budgets to achieve larger impacts than they could going head-to-head via traditional media. Although the total reach of these tactics may not compare to high-budget campaigns, their proven effectiveness can help a small business to maximize the productivity of every dollar spent on marketing.

A lot of companies spend large amounts of money on promotional marketing, direct mailing, commercials, and other various forms of marketing. In Alexandra Bruell’s article on AdAge, she notes that direct-mail response rates decreased from 4.37% in 2003 to an average response rate of 3.40% in 2013. Many of these items will not be opened if the envelope does not attract the viewer to open it. Guerilla Marketing can be more functional than these forms of marketing; depending on the location you can attract a broad range of people or a specific target market.